AI South Korea’s Children’s Day, 5 May 2007
AI Korea held a children campaign “We llike books more than toy guns” in Gyonggi English Village Paju camp with more than 100 volunteers from SK Telecom, the biggest mobile technology and communication company in Korea and Amnesty Korea. During this campaign, about 400 children could exchange their toy guns for books. Also thousands of children and their parents participated in “Hand prints for peace” event and delivered message of hope to children suffering from real weapons in other countries. Through the campaign, AI Korea has received a lot of public and media attention because the campaign was quite different from other children’s day events that are fun oriented for pleasure. Rather, it provided children, the leaders of the future, an opportunity to think about other countries deprived of their rights due to weapons and send them a hopeful message. In addition, it was the first time for corporations such as SK Telecom to participate in Amnesty’s HR protection campaign that will be a great example for other Korean companies. It also drew attention from Korean corporations and stimulated them to expand their interests in corporate social responsibility into human right issues. Moreover, SKT as the first corporation among the four biggest enterprise groups in Korea joined UN Global Compact which encourages corporations’ social service, and announced that it will observe the UN Global compact’s 10 principles including human right protection, and labor stand