  1. Carta la Ministro de Justicia de Brasil (Inglés)
  2. Mensaje de notificación al Embajador de Brasil en España
  3. Traducción en Castellano de la Carta al Ministro de Justicia


Mr. Torquato Lorena Jardim

Two Ministries Planned, Bloco T,

Ministério da Justiça, 4th floor,

70064-900, Brasília, DF



Santander, __-__-2018

Your Excellency, Minister:


Excellency, with due respect, I urge the Brazilian government to defend and respect the rights of the Apika community on their traditional lands. It is also necessary for the Brazilian government to change the old patterns of abuse and discrimination that these communities face.

The Brazilian government must thoroughly investigate, in a rapid, exhaustive and impartial manner, the threats against the Apika.

I request that the Brazilian authorities fully and effectively comply with the Brazilian Constitution of 1988 and its international commitments and obligations, including

Convention 169 of the International Labor Organization and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Peoples Indigenous

Best regards.



2 – Mensaje al Embajador


Santander,      de 2018

Estimado Sr. Embajador:

Le remito, para su conocimiento y lo que estime oportuno, copia de mi carta a Sr. Ministro de Justicia de su país Torquato Lorena Jardim.



Mi carta:

Mr. Torquato Lorena Jardim

Two Ministries Planned, Bloco T,

Ministério da Justiça, 4th floor,

70064-900, Brasília, DF


Santander, __-__-2018

Your Excellency, Minister:

Excellency, with due respect, I urge the Brazilian government to defend and respect the rights of the Apika community on their traditional lands. It is also necessary for the Brazilian government to change the old patterns of abuse and discrimination that these communities face.

The Brazilian government must thoroughly investigate, in a rapid, exhaustive and impartial manner, the threats against the Apika.

I request that the Brazilian authorities fully and effectively comply with the Brazilian Constitution of 1988 and its international commitments and obligations, including

Convention 169 of the International Labor Organization and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Peoples Indigenous

Best regards.




Mr. Torquato Lorena Jardim

Esplanada dos Ministérios, Bloco T,

Ministério da Justiça, 4º andar,
70064-900, Brasília, DF

Excelentísimo  Sr. Ministro:

Excelencia, con el debido respeto insto al gobierno brasileño a defender y respetar los derechos, de la comunidad Apika,  sobre sus tierras tradicionales. Así mismo es necesario que el gobierno de Brasil cambie los antiguos patrones de abuso y discriminación a los que estas comunidades se enfrentan.

El gobierno brasileño debe de investigar a fondo, de forma rápida, exhaustiva e imparcial, las amenazas contra los Apika.

Solicito que, las autoridades brasileñas cumplan  plenamente y de forma efectiva, la Constitución Brasileña de 1988 y sus compromisos y obligaciones internacionales, lo que incluye el Convenio 169 de la Organización  Internacional del Trabajo  y la Declaración de las Naciones Unidas  sobre los Derechos de los Pueblos Indígenas.
